Here’s What To Expect During A Building Inspection

Buying a commercial building isn’t cheap. It’s a huge investment for your company that must be carefully decided. Before making a purchase, a building inspection and report is a must. This is not usually required, but it is best that you request one from a trusted building inspectors gold coast

A commercial building inspection will uncover any issues pertaining to its safety and security. Also, you will have an idea if there are certain parts that need fixing and how much it will cost you. But what do building inspectors look for? Here are the basics of a building inspection and the things an inspector will check. 

Five Major Systems

Most commercial buildings have systems. Five of these are thoroughly checked by the inspector – electricity, mechanical, heating, plumbing, and air conditioning/ventilation. These systems are checked to make sure they are in good working condition. If any of these needs repair, the inspector will put this into the report along with an estimate of how much it will cost to fix or replace. Also, the building’s fire alarms and sprinkler systems will also be checked.

Inspecting the Interior

This is the part of the inspection where the inspector will look for potential safety risks and dangers inside the establishment. They will also ensure that the interior meets local building codes. The building’s walls, floors, bathrooms, offices, kitchens, and other common areas will be checked. Any problems with the inside of the building will be found.

Checking the Exterior

Once the interior is thoroughly checked, the outside will follow. The exterior of a building includes more than just the walls. The inspector will also check the parking lots and its structures, landscaping, and also the roof. Any repair or replacement will be noted on the report together with the estimated costs. There are instances when the inspectors may have to consult with roofing experts, construction contractors, or building code inspectors in order to get a complete inspection of the exterior part of the property.

Proper Documentation Will Be Checked

During most inspections of commercial buildings, inspectors will request to check for proper documentation. This may include copies of appraisals, building plans, and other documents such as citations and certificates of occupancy. Also, the inspector may look at environmental studies and records when it comes to the building’s fire safety systems. 

Building and Pest Inspection At Co-Spec

When it comes to building and pest inspections, the above things must be taken into consideration. That is why it is very important that you are aware of what the process is and what you must expect during the inspection. Most of the time, the inspectors will request for you to be with them as they go through the inspection process. 

So if you have a property that needs to be inspected, go ahead and contact one of the trusted names in this field, Co-Spec. They operate around Gold Coast and Northern NSW areas, so if you are near them, you know who to call. 

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