Kitchen Cabinet Care 101

When it comes to beautifying your cabinet space you have plenty of options. But the best and most reliable method for keeping those kitchen cabinets in great shape for as long as you own them is consistent routine care and maintenance.

Administering simple cleaning procedures is not only going to make them look and feel their best but it will help to prevent them from breaking down prematurely. Next to your carpeting, cabinets, particularly those in the kitchen, can sustain the most wear and tear due to normal everyday use.

Think about it, you’re opening and shutting your cabinets on a daily basis to retrieve various kitchen utensils throughout the day and evening as you prepare meals and even light snacks. In addition, your cabinets are going to accumulate grease, grime, odors, and other particulate from the preparation of all those meals. This is especially evident for the cabinets that are positioned above and next to you stovetop as smoke, steam, and spatter from your food is rises and splashes onto your cabinets.

It’s very important that you remove these accumulated layers of gunk and grease, otherwise your beautiful cabinets will start to look dull and faded, not to mention feel sticky. Some homeowners believe the only way to replenish their appearance is through cabinet refacing in st. louis, but this isn’t the case for every situation. Sometimes a little tender loving care in the form of a soft cloth and mild cleaner is all you need to make those old cabinets look new again.

Basic Maintenance Tips

It’s a good idea to dust your cabinets or wipe down their surfaces about every two weeks. However, those of you who do a lot of cooking and baking will probably want to do it once a week. There’s no need for a big production either, just get a nice soft cloth or towel, nothing abrasive mind you, and apply a little wood or furniture polish.

Wipe the surfaces down gently, going with the grain of the wood. Doing it against the grain could lead to scratching that will mar the appearance.

Spot Cleaning

Accidents happen and when they do you need to clean up the mess quickly. So take care of any spills or splashes of food, sauces, beverages, and the like by always remembering to keep your cabinetry dry. Use a soft cloth as always but dampen it with some warm water and mild dish detergent or soap.

After you remove the mess, dry the cabinet entirely. Do NOT use a dishtowel or a sponge hanging around the sink as these things could have residual grease or soap from a previous use. You must also avoid any harsh or abrasive cleaning products that might contain ammonia, bleach or other strong chemical ingredients. These can damage the wood and remove the finish.

Avoid Moisture

Wood is easily damaged by moisture so avoid hanging any wet or damp cloths or hand-towels on or near your cabinets as this could cause water spots and other damage. If you splash water or other liquids on your cabinet or drawer facades, always dry it as quickly as you can.

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