There’s a long list of mind boggling swimming pool slang that our common folks are not aware with. But if you’re going to be a pool person then you definitely need to up your game, especially when it comes to being handy with swimming pool terminology. Without the proper knowledge of pool designs and descriptions, you can’t expect to be a pro at picking the best at all times.
With a whole load of options thrown at you, it’s expected to be a little overwhelmed. A little help from us could easily start you on the path of becoming a know-it-all when it comes to swimming pools.
Inground and above ground pool
If you’ve decided to get an above ground pool then there’s nothing much to add but if you’re going for an inground pool, there’s a good variety of options available for you.
In ground pools are a wholly separate case with variety in their building material (Vinyl, fibreglass and concrete) to various shapes, sizes and styles.
Vinyl pools are the cheapest of all three pool material choices with colourful liners and patterns to jazz up your pool. But being cheap they do have a relatively lesser shelf life as compared to other two.
Concrete or gunite pools are durable enough, can be made into any desired shape and size. But they too suffer from a few downsides including their high cost, high maintenance and repairs, and the pains you’ve to go through while your house is a noisy construction zone for weeks or months to come.
Fibreglass pools are durable, and algae resistant due to its non-porous surface. They also need less maintenance in comparison to other two choices. It’s also really easy to install because it’s already pre-built at the factory and then delivered to your place. Like everything else in this world, fibreglass has its drawbacks as well like limited variety and a higher cost but in the end its advantages far exceeds its drawbacks hence the reason why popularity of fibreglass is increasing day by day.
Picking the best shape and size for your pool
Typically, when people plan pool design, the most common factor they focus on is which pool material to use. But an essential part of pool planning is to decide which shape and size works for your pool along with its looks, dimensions and their functionality.
For instance, the average backyard pool is rectangular in shape and is mostly referred to as a family pool. If it’s on the long side, then you get a lap pool.
Then there are circular or round pools, which are also sometimes called plunge pools because they’re usually meant for taking dips and baths, not swimming laps. Another fancy name for these kind of pool is cocktail pool because they’re meant for people to hang out and entertain.
Beach entry pools are pools with a gradual beach like entry with a shallow shore.
Deck pools are inground or above ground pools surrounded by a deck.
Freeform pools as the name suggests are pools in any desirable shape you want mimicking a natural water body.
Lagoon pool are pools with a lagoon like winding shape.
It’s important to be aware of your options so that you can pick something you actually want without having to implicitly trust on others ‘judgement. In the end it’s your dream home that’s going to be effected with the said decision.
How to cut costs while building your pool?
Swimming pools are expensive, no matter what they say. It’s a costly affair but there are a few ways you can cut those costs to a noticeable extent. If you’re willing to go outside your comfort zone, you can definitely get yourself a comparatively affordable pool.
It’s not a list of finances or statistics but rather a nudge into the direction you should be thinking of, if you want a more affordable pool.
Less is more
Usually when people are going for a swimming pool, they tend to go overboard with its size. A larger pool needs more labour and materials while it also takes up a large space of your backyard. Many times, it’s a waste of good space that could’ve been used otherwise. If you’re not a big family with regular pool people, a large pool is simply a matter of wasting money.
Compare and find the best
If you’ve the capacity to sift through, you can talk to many contractors and builders and choose the best price for your pool. But be warned, this process will not be easy and can definitely confuse you further. The more people you talk to, the more likely you’re to save money but be willing to invest your time.
Good things to those who wait
If you don’t mind being a little patient with enjoying your summer pool time, you can easily save money by building your pool in the off season. Your pool contractor will likely be willing to negotiate with you if they’re really interested in the work about to come their way.